Our Approach


Health & Wellbeing

We envision a city in which our youth have positive, healthy relationships with caring adults and peers. Youth and their families are aware of and engaged in healthy prevention activity, are free from trauma, and have reliable access to the physical and mental healthcare they need.


Space & Place

We envision a New Orleans where all young people live in resilient communities that promote youth voice, environmental stewardship, champion equitable climate change solutions; and have consistent ease of access to clean, safe, and affordable spaces (indoor and outdoor) in which to play, learn, explore, exercise, build community.


Safety & Justice

We envision a New Orleans where all young people live, learn, work, and play in environments that are safe and free from harm โ€” including environmental toxins, indirect and direct forms of violence, abuse and neglect, and punitive discipline. These environments are also free from the fear of incarceration and its impacts on family stability, economic opportunity and the safety nets that support children and youth.