"My work aims to showcase a connection between generations of artists within New Orleans."

Don Graham Jr, Artist Statement

Don Graham Jr
Acrylic and oil on canvas

"New Orleans children and youth represent a powerful, unified, diverse, socially conscious, intelligent network, capable of working with adults to lead New Orleans in becoming a more compassionate, just, and equitable city."

Connection to Youth Vision
(New Orleans Youth Master Plan, 2020)

About The Artist

My art is born from my love of the city and those that exist within it. My art continues to grow because of my desire to love a culture that is often underappreciated. I have been creating art since I was seven. I started drawing the cartoons I would see on television and grew from there. I was taught to understand and appreciate black history and culture, which blossomed into doing much of my research. I wanted to read and see black people's thought processes throughout history to see the development of the diaspora over time. This research made me want to express further my perspective on things with the current knowledge of today and be able to say that in my way. I typically base my art around people who have affected me personally, whether that be what I saw on television or people I saw daily.

My community and New Orleans, in general, are the foundation of my art. Over time, I have focused more on the abstract and things important to me as a black existentialist. I am trying to lean more into this while also focusing on the beauty of black people. A lot of the references I use for the men and women in my art are them showcasing a range of emotional depth. Whether happy, sad, disgusted, indifferent, mad, etc., I view it all as something worth exploring. My inspirations artistically are people like Gordon Parks, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Frantz Fanon, to name a few. They inspire me with how they created their art and what they were trying to create. All of it was about the representation of black life.

Instagram: @don.3377


Hurricane(s), Blossom, Fun Safety