Food Apartheid


Leading Question

How do young people navigate food apartheid in New Orleans?

What are the current & potential community solutions for increased food access and food justice?


Our team interviewed young people to reflect on their experiences around navigating food apartheid in New Orleans.

Our Why

Food is fuel and the key to achieving success in school and life. Food insecurity blocks youth from the energy they need to accomplish their goals. There is a strong push for increased food access in the city. There are resources but not enough people know about it. People don’t know there is help. Food isn’t accessible in all areas of New Orleans. Food is a human right but we don’t honor that right. This is bigger than food, food fuels everything we do.

Project Team

  • August Green


  • Adriana Johnson

  • Makeda Butler


  1. To shop cost effectively, youth are expanding excess energy on planning and traveling.

  2. Youth don’t know about the community solutions they are surrounded by.

  3. Federal Aid/assistance is hard for youth to come by and keep

  4. Unreliable public transit and distant affordable options lead to high additional cost to buy food

Our Recommendations for Actions

  1. Increase Federal Aid and Assistance (SNAP, EBT, WIC)

  2. Support and promote more successful urban environment.

  3. Advocate for more reliable busses and bus routes built with food and grocery stores in mind.

  4. Advocate for higher prevalence of affordable grocery stores in affordable neighborhoods.

  5. Promote, invest in, and market community driven solutions such as food banks, food pantries, and community fridges.


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