Exploring the Minimum Wage to Living Wage Gap


Leading Question

How does the gap between minimum and living wage affect 16-24-year-olds?

What are the financial commitments of 16-24 year old’s in New Orleans?


Our team created surveys shared in the community that asked 16-24 year olds to reflect on their experience around identifying basic need, feelings on economic status, and financial commitments in New Orleans.

In total, our team surveyed 212 young people.

Our Why

We aim to bring light to the economic situation of every community in New Orleans. We want the community to know that if we keep ignoring the economic problems in the state things can get worse with time. That’s why we want the people’s voice to support what we are trying to achieve and that is increasing the minimum wage.

Project Team

  • Chelsea Watson


  • Roslyn Robertson


  • Ballei Pearson

  • Lex Granger

  • Sara Castro


  1. Youth in New Orleans feel disheartened by the inability to support themselves and their basic needs due to minimum wage not matching the cost of living in New Orleans.

  2. Basic needs aren’t being met because minimum wage is too low

  3. Due to lack of funds, youth are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety.

  4. Youth have a lot of financial commitments.

  5. Youth feel their economic status is negatively impacted due to their identities.

Our Recommendations for Actions

  1. Talk to congressmen and senators about raising the minimum wage to at least $15 so people can make a living and support their basic needs.

  2. Talk to community members about what's going on and get their insight to be the translators to higher stake holders.

  3. Use media outlets to spread awareness, problems, and tactics to get problems seen by those stakeholders who don’t want bad publicity.

  4. Know the legislative session and share with the public. (if we want to get people there to share experiences)

  5. Talk/negotiate with business owners. (they are more prone to reject wage increase)

  6. Have a general knowledge of the counterarguments.


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