Youth Experiences in Public Transportation


Leading Question

How do 16-24 year old’s experience taking public transit in New Orleans?

What is most challenging and most enjoyable about taking public transportation?


Our team created surveys shared in the community that asked 16-24 year olds to reflect on their experience around to public transportation in New Orleans

In total, our team surveyed 160 young people.

Our Why

Young people need access to clean bus stops and public transportation. Things need to improve for the better without horrible price increases. We want to start changing public transportation for the youth and then everyone. Everyone needs to have access to affordable and not time-consuming TRANSPORTATION.

Project Team

  • Toni Thompson


  • Anastasia Hopkins

  • Tytiana Sanders

  • Bea Barnes


  1. People enjoy sightseeing and the community created by the bus environment.

  2. Time is a major issue with RTA.

  3. Some people don't feel safe riding the bus.

  4. Riding the bus is affordable and convenient.

  5. When asked to list factors about public transportation that they enjoy, some riders could not find anything to say.

Our Recommendations for Actions

  1. RTA cleans buses weekly, and they have a public notice to let the public know and to measure the amount of times they wipe down seats & spray disinfectant

  2. Every bus stop location has bus seating with coverage to protect the riders

  3. Requiring the city to maintain grass in bus areas

  4. High-crime areas have cameras located at stops. This would be a recommendation for the police to better protect citizens.

  5. Become a community effort to speak up and say something when they see something that needs to be changed.


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